2013 Economic Outlook Seminar
THE BEST MEDICINE: How Can Montanans Take Charge of Changes in Health Care?
Seminars were held in Kalispell, Billings, Bozeman, Helena, Great Falls, Butte and Missoula during January and February, with seminars in March in Sydney and Miles City.
Presentation Booklets
Individual Presentations
Introduction, Patrick Barkey
U.S. and Montana Outlook, Patrick Barkey
Local Outlook 2013, Paul Polzin
Health Care: Are Monana's Primary Care Providers Ready for the Affordable Care Act?, Gregg Davis
Travel and Recreation: Jobs, Lifestyle, and Growth, Norma Nickerson
2013 Montana Agricultural Outlook, George Haynes
Montana's Manufacturing & Forest Products Products: 2013 Outlook, Todd Morgan
Montana Housing Outlook 2013, Scott Rickard
Natural Resources and Energy Outlook, Terry Johnson
The Best Medicine: How Can Montanans Take Charge of Changes In Health Care?, Larry White
Local Presentations
Lewis and Clark (Helena): Montana Labor Trends Barbara Wagner, Chief Economist, Montana Dept. of Labor and Industry
Lewis and Clark: Helena Business Climate 6-Year Trend Report Cathy Burwell, President/CEO, Helena Area Chamber of Commerce
Cascade: Great Falls Development Authority Brett Doney, President/
Missoula: Missoula Economic Partnership, Jim Grunke, President/CEO
Yellowstone (Billings): 2013 Economic Outlook, Jeremy Vannatta, Director of Recruitment & Marketing, Big Sky Economic Development
Gallatin (Bozeman): Prospera Business Network, Stuart Leidner, Executive Director
Silver Bow (Butte): Southwest MT and Silver Bow County, John Kasperick, Economist, NorthWestern Energy
Custer: Outlook Seminar, Miles City 2013 Geoge Luther, Jr., Luther Appraisal Services, Inc.
View a recording of the Missoula Seminar.
Introduction, Overview, and U.S. Montana Outlooks, Patrick Barkey
Are Montana's Health Care Workforce Ready for the Affordable Care Act?, Gregg Davis
Travel and Recreation: Jobs, Lifestyle, and Growth, Norma Nickerson
Montana's Manufacturing & Forest Products Products: 2013 Outlook, Todd Morgan
The Best Medicine: How Can Montanans Take Charge of Changes in Health Care?, Larry White
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