Pacific Coast Temperate Forest Regional Timber Product Flow Analysis
Thale Dillon and Todd A. Morgan
Estimated Trucking Costs Idaho and Montana
Steve Hayes, Michael Niccolucci and Todd Morgan
Assessing Montana's Key Industries
Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act on National Forests - A Review of U.S. Forest Service Land Management Accomplishments, Budget and Litigation
Todd A. Morgan, Michael J. Niccolucci and Eric Berg
Lumber Prices Skyrocket During Pandemic - Costs Soar Amid Construction and Remodeling Boom
Todd A. Morgan and Steve W. Hayes
Montana Business Quarterly Volume 59, No. 1
Predicting logging residue volumes in Alaska
Erik C Berg, Eric A Simmons, Todd A Morgan, Stanley J Zarnoch
Assessing Montana''s Key Industries - 2021 Montana Economic Report - An analysis and assessment of Montana?s economic performance.
George Haynes, Kate Fuller, Steven Hayes, Todd A. Morgan, Paul E. Polzin, Robert Sonora, Christina Quick Henderson, Brandon Bridge
Montana Business Quarterly Volume 58, No. 4
Common integrating factors in softwood log exports from the United States - Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Changyou Sun, Jean M. Daniels, Kate C. Marcille
Assessing Montana''s Key Industries
George Haynes, Kate Fuller, Todd Morgan, Kate Marcille, Steven Hayes, Bill Whitsitt, Robert Sonora, Norma Nickerson, Jeremy Sage, Kara Grau, Paul Polzin, Christina Quick Henderson, Brandon Bridge
Montana Business Quarterly Volume 57, No. 4
How the Forest Industry Changed the Bitterroot Valley - The Impact of Timber Harvest Declines on the Ravalli County Economy
Patrick Barkey and Todd Morgan
Timber Jobs Matter - The Flawed Transition of Timber-Dependent Communities in Idaho
Paul E. Polzin
What Happened to Montana''s Forestry Jobs?
Todd Morgan, Michael Niccolucci and Paul Polzin
Montana''s Forest Industry Employment and Income Trends - Declining Harvest Volumes and Increasing Productivity
Todd A. Morgan, Michael J. Niccolucci and Paul E. Polzin
The Impact of Timber Harvesting Declines on the Ravalli County Economy
Patrick Barkey, Todd Morgan, Eric Simmons, Dan Loeffler, Steven Hayes
The State of Montana Forestry
Dorian Smith, Steven Hayes and Kate Marcille
Recovering from the Mountain Pine Beetle - The Impact on Sawmills and Forest Products in Montana
Dan Loeffler and Nathaniel Anderson
Impacts of the Mountain Pine Beetle on Sawmill Operations, Costs, and Product Values in Montana
Dan Loeffler and Nathaniel Anderson
Timber Use, Processing Capacity and Capability by Diameter Size Class in the Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest Timber-Processing Area
Chelsea P. McIver, Charles B. Gale, Steven W. Hayes
Timber-Processing Capacity Near National Forests - Rio Grand National Forest, Colorado - Forest Industry Technical Report No. 1
2017 Economic Round Table
George Haynes, Terry Johnson, Bryce Ward, Norma P. Nickerson, Todd Morgan
Montana Business Quarterly Volume 55, No. 1
Timber Products Output (TPO) - Forest Inventory, Timber Harvest, Mill and Logging Residue - Essential Feedstock Information Needed to Characterize the NARA Supply Chain
Erik Berg, Todd Morgan, Eric Simmons
Logging Utilization in Oregon and Washington, 2011 - 2015
Eric A. Simmons, Todd A. Morgan, Erik C. Berg, Steven W. Hayes, and Glenn A. Christensen
On-Site Energy Consumption and Selected Emissions at Softwood Sawmills in the Southwestern United States
Dan Loeffler, Nathaniel Anderson, Todd A. Morgan, Colin B. Sorenson
On-Site Energy Consumption at Softwood Sawmills in Montana
Dan Loeffler, Nathaniel Anderson, Todd A. Morgan, Colin B. Sorenson
Oregon''s Forest Products Industry and Timber Harvest 2013 with Trends Through 2014
Eric A. Simmons, Micah G. Scudder, Todd A. Morgan, Erik C. Berg, and Glenn A. Christensen
Predicting logging residue volumes in the Pacific Northwest
Erik C. Berg; Todd A. Morgan; Eric A. Simmons; Stan Zarnoch; Micah G. Scudder
Measuring the Benefits of the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program for Local Communities in Northeast Washington - FY2012 -2015
Chelsea P. McIver
Forest Products - Challenges and Changes
Todd A. Morgan, Steven W. Hayes, Colin B. Sorenson and Chelsea McIver
Montana Business Quarterly Volume 54, No. 1
Uncertain Times for Montana''s Dynamic Forest Industry
Kate C. Marcille, Steven W. Hayes and Todd A. Morgan
Montana Business Quarterly Volume 53, No. 4
NARA Logging Utilization - (poster)
Eric A. Simmons, Erik C. Berg CF, Micah G.Scudder CF
The State of Montana Manufacturing - 2015 Edition
Paul Polzin, Emeritus Director
Understanding Costs and Other Impacts of Litigation of Forest Service Projects: A Region One Case Study
Todd A. Morgan and John Baldridge
Restoration of National Forests Benefits Local Communities
Chelsea P. McIver
Montana Business Quarterly Volume 53, No. 2
Logging residues: Comparative efficiency by tree diameter and logging methods in three western states - (poster)
Eric A. Simmons, Erik C. Berg, Todd A. Morgan, and Steven W. Hayes
Montana''s Forest Products Industry - Sill Looking for the "Real" Homebuilding Recovery
Todd A. Morgan, Steven W. Hayes, Colin B. Sorenson, and Charles E. Keegan III
Economic Outlook Q & A with Montana?s Top Economists and Industry Experts
Patrick M. Barkey, Paul E. Polzin, Bryce Ward, Norma Nickerson, George Haynes, Todd Morgan, Sue Larew, Paul Olson, Bill Whitsitt
Montana Business Quarterly Volume 53, No. 1
Idaho''s Forest Products Industry Current Conditions and 2015 Forecast - Station Bulletin 102, January 2015
Philip S. Cook, Todd A. Morgan, Steven W. Hayes, Colin B. Sorenson, R. Garth Taylor, Jay O?Laughlin
California's Forest Products Industry and Timber Harvest, 2012 (Poster)
Chelsea P. McIver, Joshua P. Meek, Micah G. Scudder, Colin B. Sorenson, Todd A. Morgan CF, Glenn A. Christensen
The Four Corners Timber Harvest and Forest Products Industry, 2012 (Poster)
Colin B. Sorenson, Todd A. Morgan CF, Eric A. Simmons, Micah G. Scudder, Erik C. Berg CF, Chelsea P. McIver
Idaho's Forest Products Industry and Timber Harvest, 2011 (Poster)
Eric A. Simmons, Steven W. Hayes CF, Todd A. Morgan CF, and Micah G. Scudder
Employment Impacts of Timber Harvesting and Processing in the United States
Todd A. Morgan CF, Colin B. Sorenson, Chelsea P. McIver, and Charles E. Keegan
Forest Management Capacity in the Southwest Crown of the Continent, Montana (Poster)
Chelsea P. McIver
Oregon''''s Forest Products Industry and Timber Harvest, 2013 - Poster
Eric A. Simmons, Micah G. Scudder, Todd A. Morgan CF, and Erik C. Berg CF
Alaska's Timber Harvest and Forest Products Industry, 2011 (Poster)
Erik C. Berg, Todd A. Morgan CF, Charles E. Keegan, Susan J. Alexander, Micah G. Scudder
2013 Estimating Harvesting Costs - Logging & Hauling Cost Studies, Poster
Steven W. Hayes, Charles E. Keegan III, Todd A. Morgan
Logging Utilization in Idaho - Current and Past Trends
Eric A. Simmons, Todd A. Morgan, Erik C. Berg, Stanley J. Zarnoch, Steven W. Hayes, and Mike T. Thompson
Annual Report FY 2012-2013 - Bureau of Business and Economic Research
Bureau Staff
Impact of the Great Recession and Housing Collapse on the Forest Products Industry in the Western United States
Keegan, C.E., Sorenson, C.B., Morgan, T.A., Hayes, S.W., Daniels, J.M.
Timber Use, Processing Capacity, and Capability to Utilize Small-Diameter Timber Within USDA Forest Service - Region One Timber-processing Area
CHelsea P. McIver, Colin B. Sorenson, Charles E. Keegan, Todd A. Morgan
Montana's Forest Products Industry Improved Conditions but Low Expectations
Hayes, Steven, Keegan, Charles, Morgan, Todd, Sorenson, Colin
Idaho's Forest Products Industry Current Conditions and 2013 Forecast
Morgan, Hayes, Keegan, O'Laughlin,Taylor, Watson, Gorman, Shook
Economic Outlook - Q & A
MBQ Staff
Montana Business Quarterly Volume 51, No. 1
Missoula County - A New Growth Reality?
Paul E. Polzin
Montana Business Quarterly Volume 51, No. 1
Measuring Local Contractor Participation in the SW Crown of the Continent CFLRP project, Montana (Poster)
Chelsea P. McIver
The Mountain Pine Beetle in a Changing Climate - What Does it Mean for Montana's Forests?
Diana L. Six
Montana Business Quarterly Volume 50, No. 4
Oregon's Forest Products Industry and Timber Harvest, 2008 - Industry Trends and Impacts of the Great Recession Through 2010
CharlesB. Gale, Charles E. Keegan III, Erik C. Berg, Jean Daniels, Glenn A. Christensen, Colin B. Sorenson, Todd A. Morgan, Paul
Logging Residues: Preliminary Predictive Models - NARA and USDA poster
E. Berg, E. Simmons, S. Zarnoch, S. Hayes, T. Morgan, C. Gale
Capacity and Capability of Mills in the Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests Timber Processing Area
Chelsea P. McIver, Colin B. Sorenson, Charles E. Keegan, Charles Gale, Todd A. Morgan
Capacity and Capability of Mills in the Kootenai National Forest Impact Zone
Colin B. Sorenson, CHelsea P. McIver, Charles E. Keegan, Charles Gale, Todd A. Morgan
Capacity and Capability of Mills in the Idaho Panhandle National Forest Impact Zone
Chesea P. McIver, Colin B. Sorenson, Charles E. Keegan, Charles B. Gale, Todd A. Morgan
Capacity and Capability of Mills in the Lolo National Foest Timber-Processing Area
Chelsea P. McIver, Colin B. Sorenson, Charles E. Keegan, Todd A. Morgan
Capacity and Capability of Mills in the Flathead National Forest Timber-Processing Area
Colin B. Sorenson, Chelsea P. McIver, Charles E. Keegan, Todd A. Morgan
California's Forest Products Industry and Timber Harvest, 2006
Todd A. Morgan, Jason P. Brandt, Kathleen E. Songster, Charles E. Keegan, Glenn A. Christensen
Forestry Is Rocket Science: Quantifying Logging Residues as Feedstock for Bio-jet and Other Uses - NARA Poster
Todd A. Morgan, Eric A. Simmons, Erik C. Berg, Charles B. Gale, Steven W. Hayes
Idaho Logging Utilization, 2008/2011 Poster
Eric A. Simmons, Josh P. Meek, Erik C. Berg, Todd A. Morgan, Steven W. Hayes, Charles B. Gale
2011 Estimating Harvesting Costs - Logging & Hauling Cost Studies, Poster
Steven W. Hayes, Charles E. Keegan III, Todd A. Morgan
Montana's Forest Products Industry Slow to Recover
Hayes, Steven, Keegan, Charles, Morgan, Todd, Sorenson, Colin
Idaho's Forest Products Industry and Timber Harvest 2006
Jason P. Brandt, Tood A. Morgan, Charles E. Keegan, Jon M. Songster, Timothy P. Sopelma, Larry T. DeBlander
Idaho's Forest Products Industry Current Conditions and 2012 Forecast
Morgan, Keegan, Hayes, Sorenson, O'Laughlin, Taylor, Watson, Gorman, Shook
Montana's Forest Economy - A Roller Coaster Ride Through the First Decade of the 21st Century
Todd A. Morgan, Chelsea P. McIver, Colin B. Sorenson, Charles E. Keegan III, and St
Montana Business Quarterly Volume 49, No. 4
The "Great Recession" and the Western Forest Products Industry
Charles Keegan, Colin Sorenson, Jean Daniels, Erik Berg, Charles Gale, Chelsea McIver
Montana's Forest Products Industry - Current Conditions and 2011 Forecast
Todd A. Morgan, Charles E. Keegan III, Steven W. Hayes, and Colin B. Sorenson
Montana Business Quarterly Volume 49, No. 1
Idaho's Forest Products Industry Current Conditions and 2011 Forecast
Morgan, Keegan, Hayes, Sorenson, Shook, Wagner, O'Laughlin
2009 Estimating Harvesting Costs - Logging & Hauling Cost Studines
Steven W. Hayes, and Todd A. Morgan
Idaho's Forest Products Industry: Current Conditions and Forecast 2010
Brandt, Jason, Keegan, Charles, Morgan, Todd, Shook, Steven, Wagner, Francis
Montana's Forest Products Industry
Todd A. Morgan and Charles E. Keegan III
Montana Business Quarterly Volume 48, No. 1
Synthesizing Economic and Financial Information Related to Biomass Removal - Poster
Todd A. Morgan, CF and Jason P. Brandt
Smurfit-Stone Closure Will Have Lasting Impacts on Missoula's Economy
Patrick Barkey, Todd Morgan
Woody Biomass - Can Forests Fuel Our Future?
Todd A. Morgan
Montana Business Quarterly Volume 47, No. 4
Smurfit-Stone Mill Closure Will Have Lasting Impacts on Montana's Economy
Patrick M. Barkey, Todd A. Morgan, and Paul E. Polzin
Montana Business Quarterly Volume 47, No. 4
Forest Products Industry Posts Gains, Outlook Still Gloomy
Todd Morgan
Wyoming's Forest Products Industry and Timber Harvest, 2005
Jason P. Brandt, Todd A. Morgan, Mike T. Thompson
Managing Montana's Forest Lands - The Next 100 Years
Tom Schultz and Jordan Larson
Montana Business Quarterly Volume 47, No. 3
An Assessment of Forest-based Woody Biomass Supply and Use in Montana
Todd A. Morgan
Montana's Forest Products Industry - Current Conditions and 2009 Forecast
Todd A. Morgan and Charles E. Keegan III
Montana Business Quarterly Volume 47, No. 1
Idaho's Forest Products Industry: Current Conditions and Forecast 2009
Brandt, Jason, Keegan, Charles, Morgan, Todd, Shook, Steven, Wagner, Francis
Idaho Logging Utilization Poster
Benjamin R. Super, Jon M. Songster, Todd A. Morgan
Determinants of Trust for Public Lands: Fire and Fuels Management on the Bitterroot National Forest
Adam Lijeblad, William T. Borrie, and Alan E. Watson
Forest Industry Expert Retires
Tyler Christensen, reprinted courtesy of the Missoulian
Montana Business Quarterly Volume 46, No. 3
Montana's Forest Products Industry - Current Conditions and 2008 Forecast
Todd A. Morgan, Charles E. Keegan III, and Jason Brandt
Montana Business Quarterly Volume 46, No. 1
Idaho's Forest Products Industry: Current Conditions and Forecast 2008
Brandt, Jason, Keegan, Charles, Morgan, Todd, Shook, Steven, Wagner, Francis
Montana's Forest Products Industry - Current Conditions and 2007 Forecast
Charles E. Keegan III, Thale Dillon, Jason P. Brandt, and Todd A. Morgan
Montana Business Quarterly Volume 45, No. 1
Utah''s Forest Products Industry - A Descriptive Analysis, 1992
Charles Keegan, Daniel Wichman, Dwane Van Hooser
Utah Timber Production and Mill Residue, 1992
William McLain, Charles Keegan, Daniel Wichman