Biomass and Wood Products Carbon and Energy
Assembly Bill 1504 California Forest Ecosystem and harvested Wood Product Carbon Inventory: 2017 Reporting period California’s Fire and Resource Assessment Program develops an annual Forest Ecosystem and Harvested Wood Product Carbon inventory (Forest Carbon Inventory) through collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service (FS) Forest Inventory and Analysis Program (FIA), USDA FS Pacific Northwest Research Station and the Forest Industry Research Program, Bureau of Business and Economic Research at the University of Montana. This Forest Carbon Inventory report assists the California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection in assessing whether the state’s goal of sequestering 5 million metric tons CO2e of forest carbon, as established by Assembly bills 32 and 1504, is being met. The report also informs the goals identified in the California Forest Carbon Plan.
Energy Use and Emissions by the California Sawmill Sector, 2016 This analysis focuses on energy use and associated carbon emissions by the sawmill industry in California in 2016. The study was completed for the California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection by the Forest Industry Research Program, Bureau of Business and Economic Research at the University of Montana. The report provides information on the energy used on-site at California sawmills, the industry’s carbon emissions and contribution to renewable woody biomass energy production, as well as its use of renewable and non-renewable energy.
Carbon Stored In Harvested Wood Products From California Timberlands: 1952-2017
A comparison of methodologies for estimating delivered forest residue volume and cost to a wood-based biorefinery in Biomass and Bioenergy 106 (2017) by Natalie Martinkus, Greg Latta, Todd Morgan and Michael Wolcott
An Assessment of Forest-based Woody Biomass Supply and Use in Montana
A study to enhance the ability of federal land managers in the Western United States to address the financial and economic aspects of woody biomass removal was funded by the Joint Fire Science Program. The study was broken into two parts.
A compilation of an annotated bibliography on the body of economic and financial information and tools currently available to federal land managers.
Conducting focus groups with federal land managers throughout the West to understand their current knowledge and use of existing information and tools as well as barriers to biomass utilization,
Enhancing Western Managers' Knowledge and Use of Available Economic and Financial Biomass Information and Tools
Results from this study were presented as a poster at the Society of American Foresters Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida in October 2009. Additional biomass research from the Joint Fire Science Program can be found here.