Montana Harvest by County

Timber harvest data by ownership for 2002 to most recent available year. The data currently available has been gathered from multiple agencies which use different data collection methods. Reference sources and the methods are described below.

Timber Harvest for Flathead County, Montana

  Private & Tribal State Forest Service BLM & Other Public TOTAL
2002 81,948 14,048 7,367 0 103,363
2003 92,699 15,000 37,136 0 144,836
2004 94,148 13,120 27,026 0 134,294
2005 68,846 16,982 57,528 0 143,355
2006 80,216 9,664 20,879 0 110,760
2007 74,133 11,678 25,848 0 111,659
2008 60,561 13,300 42,400 0 116,261
2009 31,827 2,781 42,230 0 76,838
2010 42,718 16,055 31,008 0 89,782
2011 40,190 5,258 14,896 0 60,345
2012 37,086 16,639 19,646 0 73,371
2013 37,277 16,836 18,921 0 73,034
2014 33,076 18,265 17,027 0 68,368
2015 46,924 10,843 22,176 0 79,943
2016 30,474 10,239 21,664 0 62,377
2017 29,569 12,296 22,691 0 64,556
2018 28,450 10,698 28,670 0 67,818
2019 23,239 13,123 17,482 0 53,844
2020 27,632 13,239 13,202 0 54,073
2021 24,314 13,971 22,376 0 60,661
2022 18,942 18,662 31,635 0 69,239
2023 14,543 15,231 45,784 0 75,558

All volumes reported in thousand board feet (MBF) Scribner. Ownerships considered private include industrial private (industrial), nonindustrial private forests (N.I.P.F), and Native American tribes (Tribal). Ownerships considered public include Montana Department of Natural Resource and Conservation (State), United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service (Forest Service), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and county and municipal (Other Public).

For timber harvest occurring on industrial and nonindustrial private lands, as well as Montana DNRC (State) trust lands, timber harvest data is collected from the Montana Department of Natural Resource and Conservation (DNRC). Data represent MBF volumes reported through hazard (slash) reduction agreements with the State of Montana. Volumes are separated between industrial and non-industrial private ownership. Harvest volumes derived from Montana DNRC do not include ton wood, post and pole, and pulpwood volumes.

For timber harvest on the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) timberlands, data is collected from the BLM Timber Harvest Information System and include: commercial harvests, fuel wood, special forest products (timber harvests that are too small to be viewed as commercial), and stewardship contracting. BLM data can be found at: https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/forests-and-woodlands/timber-sales/bureau-wide-timber-data.

For timber harvest on USDA Forest Service lands, current data is obtained by special request from USDA FS, Nationa Forest System. Forest Service data include all convertible products including fuelwood and non-saw material.