Montana Harvest by County

Timber harvest data by ownership for 2002 to most recent available year. The data currently available has been gathered from multiple agencies which use different data collection methods. Reference sources and the methods are described below.

Timber Harvest for Carbon County, Montana

  Private & Tribal State Forest Service BLM & Other Public TOTAL
2002 293 0 672 0 965
2003 1,586 0 581 0 2,167
2004 10 0 698 0 708
2005 10 0 674 0 684
2006 229 0 389 0 619
2007 331 0 794 0 1,125
2008 995 0 1,108 0 2,103
2009 73 0 1,202 0 1,275
2010 0 0 1,457 0 1,457
2011 158 0 1,549 0 1,707
2012 0 0 1,168 0 1,168
2013 0 0 950 0 950
2014 0 3,726 1,413 0 5,139
2015 0 2,414 936 0 3,350
2016 0 0 1,467 0 1,467
2017 0 0 1,177 0 1,177
2018 0 0 805 0 805
2019 0 0 1,077 0 1,077
2020 283 0 30 0 313
2021 2,643 0 20 0 2,663
2022 752 320 24 0 1,096
2023 0 0 0 0 0

All volumes reported in thousand board feet (MBF) Scribner. Ownerships considered private include industrial private (industrial), nonindustrial private forests (N.I.P.F), and Native American tribes (Tribal). Ownerships considered public include Montana Department of Natural Resource and Conservation (State), United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service (Forest Service), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and county and municipal (Other Public).

For timber harvest occurring on industrial and nonindustrial private lands, as well as Montana DNRC (State) trust lands, timber harvest data is collected from the Montana Department of Natural Resource and Conservation (DNRC). Data represent MBF volumes reported through hazard (slash) reduction agreements with the State of Montana. Volumes are separated between industrial and non-industrial private ownership. Harvest volumes derived from Montana DNRC do not include ton wood, post and pole, and pulpwood volumes.

For timber harvest on the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) timberlands, data is collected from the BLM Timber Harvest Information System and include: commercial harvests, fuel wood, special forest products (timber harvests that are too small to be viewed as commercial), and stewardship contracting. BLM data can be found at: https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/forests-and-woodlands/timber-sales/bureau-wide-timber-data.

For timber harvest on USDA Forest Service lands, current data is obtained by special request from USDA FS, Nationa Forest System. Forest Service data include all convertible products including fuelwood and non-saw material.