Idaho Timber Harvest

Click on a county to view timber harvest data by ownership for calendar years 2002 to the most recent year available. The data have been gathered from multiple agencies which use different data collection methods. Sources and methods are described below.

Click on county to display harvest by ownership and year.

Timber Harvest for Idaho

  Industrial N.I.P.F. & Tribal State Forest Service BLM & Other Public TOTAL
2002 421,517 471,925 191,008 136,558 8,215 1,229,223
2003 378,449 341,737 190,615 123,061 5,254 1,039,115
2004 385,136 434,452 163,637 143,267 6,693 1,133,185
2005 374,882 408,232 179,102 122,825 4,502 1,089,542
2006 427,448 346,482 188,745 50,721 9,635 1,023,030
2007 448,208 281,608 203,287 120,541 6,407 1,060,051
2008 441,259 155,184 223,871 121,209 11,479 953,002
2009 376,008 108,248 186,656 95,815 6,887 773,613
2010 432,803 129,734 276,946 107,201 9,321 956,005
2011 484,360 129,832 337,570 148,147 11,623 1,111,532
2012 472,427 114,997 274,998 128,723 3,541 994,686
2013 508,672 151,990 372,441 159,604 1,228 1,193,935
2014 531,283 164,298 273,126 157,415 9,180 1,135,302
2015 529,719 187,416 279,989 132,412 3,582 1,133,118
2016 504,775 153,901 250,469 143,725 6,298 1,059,167
2017 453,703 170,982 221,857 205,039 6,499 1,058,080
2018 461,547 210,570 271,574 191,219 12,521 1,147,431
2019 447,086 168,113 231,994 176,964 10,901 1,035,058
2020 415,131 124,097 270,812 158,322 13,200 981,562
2021 396,058 183,774 321,939 123,027 9,050 1,033,848
2022 375,661 117,213 289,397 174,870 4,919 962,060
2023 358,909 111,204 255,944 213,338 1,478 940,873

All volumes reported in thousand board feet (MBF) Scribner. Ownerships considered private include: Industrial private (Industrial), Nonindustrial private forests (N.I.P.F), and Native American tribes (Tribal). Ownerships considered public include Idaho Department of Lands (State), United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service (Forest Service), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and County and Municipal (Other Public).

Private timber harvest data were obtained through special request from the Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) from 2002 to present. Data represents MBF volumes for all Industrial & NIPF timber harvested by calendar year.

For timber harvests occurring on Idaho Department of Lands (State), IDL is able to provide total timber harvest volumes on their lands by calendar year. These annual timber harvest volumes were portioned out at the county level based on the most recent Idaho FIDACS (Forest Industries Data Collection System) report: http://www.bber.umt.edu/FIR/S_ID.asp#fidacs

For timber harvest on the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) timberlands, data is collected from the BLM Timber Harvest Information System and include: commercial harvests, fuel wood, special forest products (timber harvests that are too small to be viewed as commercial), and stewardship contracting. BLM data can be found at: https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/forests-and-woodlands/timber-sales/bureau-wide-timber-data.

For timber harvest on USDA Forest Service lands, current data is obtained by special request from USDA FS, Nationa Forest System. Forest Service data include all convertible products including fuelwood and non-saw material.

This project was made possible, in part, by funding from the Northwest Advanced Renewables Alliance (NARA) supported by the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grant no. 2011-68005-30416 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.