Northwest Advanced Renewables Alliance (NARA)
BBER is a participant in two phases of the NARA project: Feedstock Supply Chain Analysis and Extension Initiative. Woody biomass supply analysis is a necessary component of the NARA proposal. In order to ascertain the social, economic, and environmental impacts and sustainability of producing new wood-based energy products, the potential supply of woody biomass feedstock from various sources will be evaluated. The specific objectives of the Feedstock Supply Chain Analysis Phase are to identify and provide the primary data necessary to assess the woody biomass inventory with particular emphasis on mill and logging residue in the 4-state region and standing forest inventory in Montana and Idaho.
The Northwest Advanced Renewables Alliance (NARA) project was supported by the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grant no. 2011-68005-30416 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
A comparison of methodologies for estimating delivered forest residue volume and cost to a wood-based biorefinery in Biomass and Bioenergy 106 (2017) by Natalie Martinkus, Greg Latta, Todd Morgan and Michael Wolcott
NARA Video: Forest Resdiuals: Availability and Collection (October 2016)
Presentation: Improving Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) Estimates of Logging Residues (SAF 2014)
Presentation: Woody Biomass from Logging and Mill Residuals
NARA Logging Utilization 2015 - (poster)
2014 Logging Utilitization in Idaho: Current and Past Trends (pdf)
Mill Residue Production and Use in Montana, 2009 (poster)
Logging Residues: Preliminary Predictive Models Poster
Northwest Advanced Renewables Alliance Logging Utilization Poster