The results of these searches may return Montana Business Quarterly articles which are not always available online.

Publications in Category: Substance%20Abuse, in date order.

An Assessment of the Market and Tax Revenue Potential of Recreational Cannabis In Montana
Bureau of Business and Economic Research


The Looming Vote on Recreational Marijuana in Montana - Is the Cost Greater Than the Benefit?
Robert Sonora


Montana Lagging in Child Well-being
Thale Dillon

Montana Business Quarterly Volume 54, No. 2      

Evaluation of Implementation and Outcomes: Montana Strategic Prevention Framwork - State Improvement Grant and the Montana Community Change Project
Stephen Seniger, Daphne Herling


Alcohol Taxes, Beverage Prices, Drinking and Traffic Fatalities in Montana
Douglas J. Young, Ph.D.


Economic Costs of Alcohol-Related Vehicle Crashes in Montana
Steve Seninger

Montana Business Quarterly Volume 48, No. 2      

The Economic Cost of Alcohol Abuse in Montana
Patrick M. Barkey

Montana Business Quarterly Volume 47, No. 2      

Substance Abuse - Montana Rates Higher Than National Rates
Thale Dillon, Julie Ehlers, and Daphne Herling

Montana Business Quarterly Volume 45, No. 4      

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